T3B = The Third Blog
I'll be honest. This isn't my third blog...
This is the umpteenth blog I've created in my lifetime.
Probably in the mid-thirties. I build websites, pack them with content, stay committed for a few months then wipe the slate clean and start a new project. I work with digital technology every day and I'm never short on business ideas and side projects yet I can never stick with one long enough to see it through.
The Third Blog is the blog I stick with...as this time I'm not doing it for anyone else but me. I plan to retrain in Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning over the next 5 - 10 years and document my process here. Let's set the stage and some serious expectations though - I'm no coder and I'm literally starting from scratch. This is going to be a LONG journey. Checkout my zero to hero progress here.
Alongside this, there's lots of amazing things in the world that interest me. Part of my internalisation process is to write about things I've discovered. For years i've done this in a personal journal. It's a way to understand my thoughts better and also a form of revision.
I've just started my own business, have great interest in productivity, minimalism, martial arts, languages, fitness, technology and automation. There's a lot in my head and T3B can be a great outlet to get some of it out.
I realised a few months ago, you don't need to be an expert to write online. There is plenty of content out there and i'm just adding my voice to it. Self promotion has never come easy to me. It's a lot more comfortable to just get the work done and move on. I happened to stumble across a book entitled "Show Your Work" by Austin Kleon which totally made me rethink the benefits of sharing online. The following two quotes are from him:
“Make stuff you love and talk about stuff you love and you’ll attract people who love that kind of stuff. It’s that simple.”
As you can see, there is already some content here. My Python content below was copied from my OLD blog titled Arcturix back in 2021.
Why Arcturix? I got excited a few years ago about ethical hacking and did a bunch of research into the industry. Everyone there uses a codename and this is mine. It's a play on Arcturis - the legendary bear from World of Warcraft. Back in my school days, it took me years to catch that MF, now I expect this journey to be just as painful.
Now, The Third Blog will be home to my journey from ZERO to Machine Learning Engineer. Also a bunch of ramblings, projects, interests and activities. I tried to be niche, but why bother. Journaling has a meditative effect. It's something I do in my personal life but my creativity needs another outlet.
“Teaching people doesn’t subtract value from what you do, it actually adds to it. When you teach someone how to do your work, you are, in effect, generating more interest in your work. People feel closer to your work because you’re letting them in on what you know.”
Here you can expect technology, fitness, marketing, short stories, persuasion, leadership, ALL SORTS. Put your seatbelt on, if you want to join the ride.
It'll be raw, it'll be honest. If anything helps you, or you have some advice, please join in the conversation.